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Did God send a prophet?
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Audio Book
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To download this book to your computer or iPod: All MP3 audio chapters of this book may be downloaded in one 55-megabyte Zip package, or you may download individual chapter MP3 files.
To download MP3s below, right-click on a link, and choose "Save Target As."
- Education, ch. 1 - Source and Aim of True Education
- Education, ch. 2 - The Eden School
- Education, ch. 3 - The Knowledge of Good and Evil
- Education, ch. 4 - Relation of Education to Redemption
- Education, ch. 5 - The Education of Israel
- Education, ch. 6 - The Schools of the Prophets
- Education, ch. 7 - Lives of Great Men
- Education, ch. 8 - The Teacher Sent From God
- Education, ch. 9 - An Illustration of His Methods
- Education, ch. 10 - God in Nature
- Education, ch. 11 - Lessons of Life
- Education, ch. 12 - Other Object Lessons
- Education, ch. 13 - Mental and Spiritual Culture
- Education, ch. 14 - Science and the Bible
- Education, ch. 15 - Business Principles and Methods
- Education, ch. 16 - Bible Biographies
- Education, ch. 17 - Poetry and Song
- Education, ch. 18 - Mysteries of the Bible
- Education, ch. 19 - History and Prophecy
- Education, ch. 20 - History and Prophecy
- Education, ch. 21 - Study of Physiology
- Education, ch. 22 - Temperance and Dietetics
- Education, ch. 23 - Recreation
- Education, ch. 24 - Manual Training
- Education, ch. 25 - Education and Character
- Education, ch. 26 - Methods of Teaching
- Education, ch. 27 - Deportment
- Education, ch. 28 - Relation of Dress to Education
- Education, ch. 29 - The Sabbath
- Education, ch. 30 - Faith and Prayer
- Education, ch. 31 - The Lifework
- Education, ch. 32 - Preparation
- Education, ch. 33 - Co operation
- Education, ch. 34 - Discipline
- Education, ch. 35 - The School of the Hereafter
Audio courtesy EllenWhiteAudio.org & TruthForTheEndTime.org