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John Loughborough—White Estate. |
Mental Illness Made Known--Marital Jealousy Healed
by John Loughborough
She next addressed a man having a sandy complexion, who sat on
one side of the room; and then pointed to a thin-featured woman
on the extreme opposite side, addressing them as husband and
wife. She delineated some things that transpired in their former
lives, before either of them had made any profession of the truth.
She said these things had been magnified by Satan before the
mind of the woman until she was driven to insanity. "I saw,"
said Mrs. White, "that this woman had been one year in the insane
asylum; but since recovering her reason, she has permitted these
same jealous feelings to trouble her mind, greatly to the grief
of her husband, who has done everything in his power to show
his wife that he was true to her, and that she had no reason
to hold him off in the manner she does."
In a moment the wife rushed across the room, and on her knees
begged her husband to forgive her. The individuals were almost
strangers in that part of the country, and their former history
was unknown. Those best acquainted with them, however, were
aware that an estrangement existed between them, but the cause
they knew not.
(Great Second Advent Movement, pages 378-379)