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Why was Ellen White so passionate about keeping the seventh day of the week holy?

Does God consider one day of the week more special than the others? How are we to remember the Lord's Day? Some readers of Ellen White find it difficult to understand why Ellen White viewed the keeping of the seventh day as an issue of loyalty to God. Could it be that she was confused about the origin of the day of worship? Is it true that the solemnity of the seventh day has been transfered to the first day of the week?

The Seventh Day video series answers these questions and much more—and it may now be watched online, using the links below. Click the "More info..." links below for a more detailed description of each part. Start viewing part 1 now by clicking on the Watch Video link below.

Does God consider one day of the week more special than the others? How are we to keep the Lord's Day?

The Seventh Day video series answers these questions and much more—and it may now be watched online, using the links below. Click the "More info..." links below for a more detailed description of each part. Start viewing part 1 now.

This video series is in 5 parts.

Part 1. Our Origins and the 7-day Weekly Cycle

52 minutes                   More info...


Part 2. Saturday-Sunday Tension in the Early Christian Church

47 minutes                   More info...


Part 3. Medieval Fakes, Forgeries, and Propaganda

48 minutes                   More info...


Part 4. Seventh-day Observance During the Renaissance

60 minutes                   More info...


Part 5. Current Issues Related to the Seventh Day

84 minutes                   More info...

The Seventh Day, Part 1 (10 Chapters, 52 minutes total)

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The Seventh Day

Revelations From the Lost Pages of History

Part 1: Our Origins and the 7-Day Weekly Cycle

Did you ever wonder . . .

  • If life on earth really began by accident?
  • Why the week has seven days?
  • If God considers one day of the week more special than the others?

This part of The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History video series looks back to the earliest written records of our race to discover the foundations of human time. Host Hal Holbrook unravels the mystery of our origins and shows how the seven-day week ties us to our origins.

The Seventh Day series will challenge the way you think about life, God, and the universe.

Chapters on this video:

  1. Origins

Views of human beginnings from Babylonian and Aztec myths as well as from the Bible and the Koran.

  2. The Evolution Explanation

Darwin's theory of evolution challenges traditional view of origins.

  3. Beyond Chance

A case against blind chance as a logical explanation of human origins.

  4. Intelligent Designer

The Bible's portrayal of the Creation and the Creator.

  5. The Architecture of Time

The week and the seventh day in the structure of human life.

  6. Point of Contact

The weekly Sabbath in man's relationship with God.

  7. A Day for All Mankind

The universal and perpetual purpose for the weekly day of rest.

  8. Unholy Sabbath

National disaster strikes the "chosen people" due, in part, to their neglect of the Sabbath.

  9. The Sabbath Around the World

Somehow the concept of the Sabbath extended into the culture and language of many peoples.

10. Reform

A revival of Sabbath observance among the Jews who returned from exile results in heroism and tragedy.

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The Seventh Day

Revelations From the Lost Pages of History

Part 2: The Saturday-Sunday Tension in the Early Christian Church

Did you know that . . .

  • Church leaders conspired to kill Jesus Christ when He broke their Sabbath rules?
  • Early Christians kept Saturday as the Sabbath for hundreds of years?
  • Roman sun worship led to Christians worshiping on Sunday?

Part two of The Seventh Day video series exposes the political and religious intrigue behind the Saturday-Sunday controversy in the early Christian church.

Hal Holbrook, in his intimate and captivating style, weaves little-known historical data and expert testimony into a tapestry of compelling truth.

The Seventh Day series is a powerful and provocative look at a timely and explosive topic.

Chapters on this video:

  1. Religion in Rome

A summary view of Roman religions during the time of Jesus.

  2. The Jewish Sabbath

Strict Sabbathkeeping marked the Jews as unique.

  3. The Sabbath Reformer

The Bible portrays Jesus as a revolutionary Sabbathkeeper.

  4. Prophecy

Jesus predicted that His followers would be still be keeping the Sabbath at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

  5. Christians and Jews

The two groups shared a view of a personal God and of the weekly Sabbath, but Christians found new meaning in the holy day.

  6. The Christian Sabbath

There is clear evidence for Christian observance of the seventh-day Sabbath in the first century AD.

  7. Sundaykeepers

Second-century Christians in Alexandria and Rome begin observing the first day of the week instead of the Sabbath.

  8. The Day of the Sun

Roman sun worship and its link to Christian Sunday observance.

  9. Sunday Law

Emperor Constantine legalizes Sunday as the weekly day of rest in the Roman Empire.

10. The Sabbath Survives

Proof of seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath observance into the middle of the fourth century.

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The Seventh Day

Revelations From the Lost Pages of History

Part 3: Medieval Fakes, Forgeries, and Propaganda

Did you know that . . .

  • Ireland's famous St. Patrick was neither Irish nor Catholic?
  • The Pope was excommunicated for promoting fasting on the seventh-day Sabbath?
  • A "letter from heaven" threatened supernatural punishments for failing to keep Sunday holy?

In part three of The Seventh-day series, Hal Holbrook tells about the battle over the seventh-day Sabbath in medieval times. It is a story riddled with fakes and forgeries, warped by legend and propaganda, and steeped in the schemes of patriarchs, popes, and kings.

With the testimony of experts from England, Scotland, and the United States, part three of this five-part series presents new "Revelations from the Lost Pages of History."

Chapters on this video:

  1. Celtic Christianity

The religious background to the story of St. Patrick.

  2. The Real Patrick

Once a slave in Ireland, Patrick responds to a divine call and returns to the Emerald Isle as a missionary.

  3. Celtic Sabbath

Evidence that Saturday was observed as the Sabbath by Celtic Christians.

  4. Margaret of Scotland

Margaret comes from England, marries King Malcolm, and attempts to reform Sunday observance in Scotland.

  5. Assault on the Sabbath

The Church of Rome promotes the Sabbath (Saturday) fast as an expression of anti-Jewish sentiments.

  6. Power Struggle

The "Sabbath fast" becomes a key issue in the rivalry between church leaders in Rome and Constantinople.

  7. Deceptions

A "letter from heaven" threatens Sunday-breakers.

  8. Fight for Truth

Resistance to church/state authority brings tragedy.

  9. John Wycliffe: Champion of Conscience

An Oxford professor focuses new attention on the Bible as the supreme authority for Christian faith and practice.

10. The Lollards

Wycliffe's followers take his views throughout England and beyond.

11. The Church vs. the Bible

The church-state establishment opposes the spread of the Bible and the ideas of Wycliffe and the Lollards.

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The Seventh Day

Revelations From the Lost Pages of History

Part 4: Seventh-Day Observance During the Renaissance

Did you know that . . .

  • In Russia, Ivan Kuritsin and other Sabbath-keeping reformers were burned to death in Moscow's Red Square?
  • In Spain, Constantino Ponce de la Fuente, a prominent Roman Catholic priest, promoted the seventh-day Sabbath and died in an Inquisition prison?
  • In Slovakia, after surviving several hours at the end of a hangman's noose, Anabaptist leaders Andreas Fischer escaped to continue preaching the seventh-day Sabbath?

Part four of The Seventh Day spotlights the resurgence of the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath in an era of religious upheaval—from the spiritual revolution in the late fifteenth-century Russia, through the religious uprising of the Protestants in the sixteenth century, to the radical Sabbath revival of England in the seventeenth century.

Hal Holbrook and experts from around the world uncover amazing but seldom-heard stories about God's special gift to the world—The Seventh Day.

Chapters on this video:

  1. Russian Reformation

This Sabbathkeeping movement reached the highest levels of Russian society and led to fiery executions in Moscow's Red Square.

  2. Sabbath vs. Sunday in Ethiopia

Jesuit missionaries succeeded in converting the Emperor to Roman Catholicism, but attempts to quash Sabbath observance resulted in civil war.

  3. Inquisition

Civil and religious authorities united to root out "heresy."

  4. Purging the Church in Spain

Ferdinand and Isabella, the "Catholic Monarchs," used the Spanish Inquisition to rid their church of Jewish heresies.

  5. Portugal Exports the Inquisition

Inquisitors carried their campaign of religious persecution into the new territories of Portugal's expanding empire.

  6. Authority: Sola Scriptura?

Protestant Reformers insisted on the authority of the sacred Scriptures, while Catholic leaders defended their church's stand on tradition.

  7. Anabaptists

Persecuted by Protestants and Catholics alike, these radical reformers stood for strict adherence to biblical teachings. Among them were new champions of the Sabbath.

  8. The Seventh-day Men

While many Puritan preachers insisted on strict observance of Sunday, other prominent Englishmen called for a return to the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments.

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The Seventh Day

Revelations From the Lost Pages of History

Part 5: Current Issues Related to the Seventh Day

Did you know that . . .

  • In 1665, Seventh Day Baptists first planted the doctrine of the seventh-day Sabbath in New England?
  • In 1742, a New York court fined German count Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzindorf for violating Sunday protection laws?
  • In 1888, Senator Henry Blair proposed a national Sunday law that threatened religious liberty in the United States?

Part five of The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History blends history and current events to conclude the chronicle of the seventh-day Sabbath. This is an epic story, worldwide in scope, ranging from the Taiping revolutionaries in China to the millions of indigenous Sabbatarians of Africa to the remote village of Paruima in South America. It spans the centuries from Roger Williams' heroic stand for religious liberty in seventeenth-century America to the crisis of conscience faced by many of today's Sabbath-keepers.

In this final episode of The Seventh Day, Hal Holbrook shares a twenty-first-century view of God's holy day and projects the gift of Sabbath rest into the eternal future.

Chapters on this video:

  1. Roger Williams and Religious Liberty

This nonconformist preacher established the Rhode Island colony on the foundation of freedom of conscience for everybody.

  2. To the New World

A Sabbathkeeping Baptist couple emigrate from England to Rhode Island and help establish the first Seventh Day Baptist congregation in America.

  3. A Song in the Wilderness

Conrad Beisel and his followers establish a Sabbathkeeping community on Pennsylvania's Cocalico Creek — the Ephrata Coister.

  4. A Voice from Germany

Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf directs the Moravian mission to the North American Indians and inspires his community to keep the seventh-day Sabbath.

  5. Advent Movement

A Seventh Day Baptist lady shares her Sabbath beliefs with her pastor, and this leads to the establishment of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

  6. Kingdom of Heavenly Peace

19th-century China is shaken by the Taiping Revolution, a huge peasant revolt that is shaped, in part, by bibical principles including observance of the seventh-day Sabbath.

  7. Eskimo Prophet

In Alaska's Kobuk River valley a man named Maniilaq learns about "seventh-day resting" from one he calls "the Grandfather."

  8. The Shining One

Deep in the South American rain forest Chief Owkwa learns about the Sabbath from a bright celestial visitor.

  9. Africa

The Sabbath's deep cultural roots in various parts of the African continent.

10. Saving Sunday

The secularization of Sunday in 19th-century America leads some political and religious leaders to promote laws that would protect Sunday as the national day of rest and worship.

11. Sabbath on Trial

People who observe Saturday rather than Sunday as their weekly day of worship sometimes face financial hardship and legal trouble because of their beliefs.

12. People of the Sabbath

Although still a small minority, seventh-day Sabbathkeepers are increasing in number around the world.

13. Challenges

Sabbathkeeping theologians respond to critics who contend that observing the seventh-day Sabbath is legalistic or irrelevant for Christians today..

14. Eternal Sabbath

Bible prophecy points to the Sabbath as part of God's plan for a perfect world in the eternal future.

   The ministries of AdventWeb and LLT Productions are pleased to present this outstanding viewing experience. You may purchase this video series as a higher-quality DVD set by visiting the LLT Productions online store.

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