Arm Couldn't Be Moved by a Stone Mason John Loughborough tells the story about the time when
his neighbor, Mr. Diagneau, was over at his house while Ellen White was having a vision.
Mr. Diagneau, a stone mason, tried to bend Mrs. White's arm. Read what
he had to say about his experience.
|  "I Am Quite Certain That She Did Not Breathe" Dr. Merrit G. Kellogg describes how Ellen White while in vision did not breathe.
He cites the evaluation of a Dr. Drummond who was present at a vision that he witnessed.
Also included on this page are the eyewitness accounts of D. H. Lamson, Drusilla Lamson,
David Seeley, and the Fowlers.
 No Breathing for 30 Minutes John Loughborough describes the first vision of Ellen White that
he ever witnessed, and how she did not breathe for about 30 minutes during it.
He also relates how at that time Oswald Stowell was healed of pleurisy.
|  A Spirit Medium Flees Away John Loughborough recounts the time when Ellen White had a vision
in Parkville, Michigan. A spirit medium who had earlier boasted that he could bring
her out of vision in one minute, when coming forward to examine her, decided instead
to flee the scene. Loughborough gives what he believes to be a Bible parallel of this