Prophets and Kings
Audio Book
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- Introduction: The Vineyard of the Lord
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 1 - Solomon
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 2 - The Temple and Its Dedication
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 3 - Pride of Prosperity
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 4 - Results of Transgression
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 5 - Solomon's Repentance
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 6 - The Rending of the Kingdom
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 7 - Jeroboam
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 8 - National Apostasy
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 9 - Elijah the Tishbite
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 10 - The Voice of Stern Rebuke
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 11 - Carmel
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 12 - From Jezreel to Horeb
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 13 - What Doest Thou Here?
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 14 - In the Spirit and Power of Elias
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 15 - Jehoshaphat
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 16 - The Fall of the House of Ahab
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 17 - The Call of Elisha
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 18 - The Healing of the Waters
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 19 - A Prophet of Peace
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 20 - Naaman
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 21 - Elisha's Closing Ministry
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 22 - Nineveh That Great City
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 23 - The Assyrian Captivity
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 24 - Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 25 - The Call of Isaiah
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 26 - Behold Your God
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 27 - Ahaz
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 28 - Hezekiah
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 29 - The Ambassadors From Babylon
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 30 - Deliverance From Assyria
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 31 - Hope for the Heathen
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 32 - Manasseh and Josiah
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 33 - The Book of the Law
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 34 - Jeremiah
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 35 - Approaching Doom
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 36 - The Last King of Judah
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 37 - Carried Captive Into Babylon
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 38 - Light Through Darkness
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 39 - In the Court of Babylon
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 40 - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 41 - The Fiery Furnace
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 42 - True Greatness
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 43 - The Unseen Watcher
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 44 - In the Lions' Den
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 45 - The Return of the Exiles
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 46 - The Prophets of God Helping Them
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 47 - Joshua and the Angel
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 48 - Not by Might Nor by Power
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 49 - In the Days of Queen Esther
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 50 - Ezra the Priest and Scribe
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 51 - A Spiritual Revival
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 52 - A Man of Opportunity
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 53 - The Builders on the Wall
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 54 - A Rebuke Against Extortion
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 55 - Heathen Plots
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 56 - Instructed in the Law of God
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 57 - Reformation
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 58 - The Coming of a Deliverer
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 59 - The House of Israel
- Prophets and Kings, ch. 60 - Visions of Future Glory
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