Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 1: Saul the Persecutor
The witnesses who had accused Stephen were
required to cast the first stones. These persons
laid down their clothes at the feet of Saul,
who had consented to the prisoner's death.
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From among the most bitter and relentless
persecutors of the church of Christ, arose the
ablest defender and most successful herald of
the gospel. With the apostolic brotherhood of
the chosen twelve, who had companied with
Christ from his baptism even to his ascension,
was numbered one who had never seen the Lord
while he dwelt among men, and
who had heard
his name uttered only in unbelief and contempt.
But beneath the blindness and bigotry of the
zealot and the Pharisee, Infinite Wisdom
discerned a heart loyal to truth and duty And
the voice from Heaven made itself heard above
the clamors of pride and prejudice. In the
promulgation of the gospel, Divine Providence
would unite with the zeal and devotion of the
Galilean peasants, the fiery vigor and intellectual
power of a rabbi of Jerusalem. To lead the
battle against pagan philosophy and Jewish
formalism, was chosen one who had himself [p. 10] witnessed the debasing power of heathen
worship, and endured the spiritual bondage of
Pharisaic exaction.
Saul of Tarsus was a Jew, not only by
descent, but by the stronger ties of lifelong
training, patriotic devotion, and religious faith.
Though a Roman citizen, born in a Gentile
city, he was educated in Jerusalem by the most
eminent of the rabbis, and diligently instructed
in all the laws and traditions of the Fathers.
Thus he shared, to the fullest extent, the hopes
and aspirations, the lofty pride and unyielding
prejudice, of his nation. He declares himself
to have been "a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as
touching the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal,
persecuting the church; touching the righteousness
which is in the law, blameless." He was
regarded by the Jewish leaders as a young man
of great promise, and high hopes were cherished
concerning him as an able and zealous defender
of the ancient faith.
In common with his nation, Saul had cherished
the hope of a Messiah who should reign as a
temporal prince, to break from the neck of Israel
the Roman yoke, and exalt her to the throne of
universal empire. He had no personal knowledge
of Jesus of Nazareth or of his mission, but
he readily imbibed the scorn and hatred of the
rabbis toward one who was so far from fulfilling
their ambitious hopes; and after the death of
Christ, he eagerly joined with priests and rulers
in the persecution of his followers as a proscribed
and hated sect.
The Jewish leaders had supposed that the work
of Christ would end with him; that when his
voice was no longer heard, the excitement would [p. 11] die out, and the people would return to the
doctrines and traditions of men. But instead of
this, they witnessed the marvelous scenes of the
day of Pentecost. The disciples, endowed with
a power and energy hitherto unknown, preached
Christ to the vast multitude that from all parts
of the world assembled at the feast. Signs and
wonders confirmed their words; and in the very
stronghold of Judaism, thousands openly declared
their faith in Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified
malefactor, as the promised Messiah.
And but a short time after the events of
Pentecost, a mighty miracle, wrought by the
apostles, filled all Jerusalem with excitement. A
cripple who had been lame from his birth was
healed by Peter and John in the presence of the
people, within the very precincts of the temple.
This astonishing cure was performed in the name
of Jesus, the apostles declaring that he had
ascended to the heavens, and thence imparted power
to his followers; and they fearlessly charged upon
the Jews the crime of his rejection and murder.
Great numbers of the people received the
doctrines preached by the apostles. Many of the
most determined opponents could but believe,
though they refused to acknowledge, that Jesus
had risen from the dead. They did not, however,
repent of their terrible crime in putting
him to death. When the power from Heaven
came upon the apostles in so remarkable a manner,
fear held the priests and elders from violence;
but their bitterness and malice were unchanged.
Five thousand had already openly declared their
faith in Christ; and both Pharisees and Sadducees
decided among themselves that if those new
teachers were suffered to go on unchecked, their [p. 12] own influence would be in greater danger than
when Jesus was upon earth. If one or two
discourses from the apostles could produce results
so marvelous, the world would soon believe on
Christ, and the influence of priests and rulers
would be lost. They therefore seized upon the
apostles, and thrust them into prison, expecting
to intimidate and silence them. But the disciple
who in cowardice had once denied his Lord, now
boldly declared the power of a risen Saviour.
In vain the rulers commanded to speak no more
in that name. Their threats were powerless,
and at last, being restrained from violence by
fear of the people, they set the apostles at liberty.
Subsequent events served but to augment their
fears and their hatred. The power with which
the apostles still proclaimed the gospel, the
wonders wrought by them in the name of Jesus, the
converts daily added to the church, the union
and harmony that pervaded the body of
believers, the swift and terrible manifestation of
divine judgment in the case of Ananias and
Sapphira,—all were marked by the Jewish leaders,
and urged them on to still more determined
efforts to crush the powerful heresy. Again the
apostles were arrested and imprisoned, and the
Sanhedrim was called to try their case. A large
number of learned men in addition to the council
was summoned, and they conferred together as
to what should be done with these disturbers of
the peace. But the angel of the Lord by night
opened the prison doors, and brought forth his
servants, bidding them again proclaim in the
temple the words of life. Great was the amazement
of priests and rulers when, being assembled
at dawn to pass sentence upon the prisoners, [p. 13] they received the report that the prison doors
were securely bolted and the guard stationed
before them, but that the apostles themselves
had been mysteriously delivered, and were
already preaching in the temple.
Once more summoning them before the council,
the high priest angrily reminded them of the
warning they had received, and charged them
with endeavoring to bring upon the Jews the
blood of Christ. They were not as willing to
bear the blame of slaying Jesus as when they
swelled the cry with the debased mob, "His blood
be on us and on our children!"
Peter and his brethren repeated their former
assertion, that they must obey God rather than
men. And then the accused became the
accusers, and as they were moved by the Spirit of
God, they solemnly charged the murder of Christ
upon the priests and rulers who composed the
council. These dignitaries were now so enraged
that they decided without further trial, to take
the law into their own hands, and put the
prisoners to death. They would have executed their
murderous designs at once but for the calm and
judicious counsel of Gamaliel, who warned them
to beware of proceeding to violent measures
before the character of the movement they opposed
should be fully developed, lest haply they should
be found fighting against God. The learning
and high position of this eminent rabbi gave
weight to his words. The priests could not
deny the reasonableness of his views. They very
reluctantly released their prisoners, after beating
them with rods, and charging them again and
again to preach no more in the name of Jesus or
their lives would pay the penalty of their boldness. [p. 14]
But punishments and threats were alike
unheeded. The apostles "departed from the
presence of the council, rejoicing that they were
counted worthy to suffer shame for His name.
And daily in the temple and in every house they
ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."
Despite all opposition, "the number of the
disciples was multiplied."
And now occurred a series of events, which,
though seeming to bring only defeat and loss
to the cause of Christ, were to result in its
triumph, giving to the world one of the noblest
examples of Christian faith, and winning from the
ranks of its opposers their most active and
successful champion. Most of the early believers
were cut off from family and friends by the
zealous bigotry of the Jews. Many of the converts
had been thrown out of business and exiled from
their homes, because they had espoused the cause
of Christ. It was necessary to provide this large
number, congregated at Jerusalem, with homes
and sustenance. Those having money and
possessions cheerfully sacrificed them to meet the
existing emergency. Their means were laid at the
feet of the apostles, who made distribution to
every man according as he had need.
Among the believers were not only those who
were Jews by birth and spoke the Hebrew tongue,
but also residents of other countries, who used the
Greek language. Between these two classes there
had long existed distrust, and even antagonism;
and though their hearts were now softened and
united by Christian love, yet the old jealousies were
easily rekindled. Thus it came to pass that as
disciples were multiplied, "there arose a murmuring
of the Grecians against the Hebrews." The [p. 15] cause of complaint was an alleged neglect of the
Greek widows in the distribution of the fund set
apart for the poor. Such inequality would have
been contrary to the spirit of the gospel, and
prompt measures were taken to remove all occasion
for dissatisfaction. Summoning a meeting
of the believers, the apostles stated that the
time had come when they should be relieved from
the task of apportioning to the poor, and from
similar burdens, so that they could be left free to
preach Christ. "Wherefore, brethren," said
they, "look ye out among you seven men of
honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom,
whom we may appoint over this business. But
we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and
to the ministry of the word." This advice was
followed, and the seven chosen men were solemnly
set apart for their duties by prayer and the laying
on of hands.
The appointment of the seven was greatly
blessed of God. The church advanced in numbers
and strength, "and a great company of the
priests were obedient to the faith." This success
was due both to the greater freedom secured to
the apostles, and to the zeal and power manifested
by the seven deacons. The fact that these
brethren had been ordained for a special work,
did not exclude them from teaching the faith.
On the contrary, they were fully qualified to instruct
in the truth, and they engaged in the work
with great earnestness and success.
The foremost of the seven was Stephen, who,
"full of faith and power, did great wonders and
miracles among the people." Though a Jew by
birth, he spoke the Greek language, and was
familiar with the customs and manners of the [p. 16] Greeks. He therefore found opportunity to proclaim
the gospel in the synagogues of the Greek
Jews. Learned rabbis and doctors of the law
engaged in public discussion with him, confidently
expecting an easy victory. But "they
were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit
by which he spake." Not only did he speak by
the power of the Holy Ghost, but it was plain
that he was a student of the prophecies, and
learned in all matters of the law. He ably
defended the truths which he advocated, and
utterly defeated his opponents.
The priests and rulers who witnessed the
wonderful manifestation of the power that attended
the ministration of Stephen, were filled with
bitter hatred. Instead of yielding to the weight of
evidence he presented, they determined to silence
his voice by putting him to death. They had
on several occasions bribed the Roman authorities
to pass over without comment instances where
the Jews had taken the law into their own hands,
and tried, condemned, and executed prisoners
according to their national custom. The enemies
of Stephen did not doubt that they could pursue
such a course without danger to themselves.
They determined to risk the consequences at all
events, and they therefore seized Stephen and
brought him before the Sanhedrim council for
Learned Jews from the surrounding countries
were summoned for the purpose of refuting the
arguments of the accused. Saul was also present,
and took a leading part against Stephen. He
brought the weight of eloquence and the logic of
the rabbis to bear upon the case, to convince
the people that Stephen was preaching delusive [p. 17] and dangerous doctrines. But he met in Stephen
one as highly educated as himself, and one who
had a full understanding of the purpose of God
in the spreading of the gospel to other nations.
The priests and rulers prevailed nothing against
the clear, calm wisdom of Stephen, though they
were vehement in their opposition. They determined
to make an example of him, and, while
they thus satisfied their revengeful hatred, prevent
others, through fear, from adopting his
belief. False witnesses were hired to testify that
they had heard him speak blasphemous words
against the temple and the law. Said they,
"For we have heard him say, that this Jesus of
Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall
change the customs which Moses delivered us."
As Stephen stood face to face with his judges,
to answer to the crime of blasphemy, a holy
radiance shone upon his countenance. "And all
that sat in the council, looking steadfastly on
him, saw his face as it had been the face of an
angel." Those who exalted Moses might have
seen in the face of the prisoner the same holy
light which radiated the face of that ancient
prophet. Many who beheld the lighted countenance
of Stephen trembled and veiled their faces;
but stubborn unbelief and prejudice never
Stephen was questioned as to the truth of the
charges against him, and took up his defense in
a clear, thrilling voice that rang through the
council hall. He proceeded to rehearse the history
of the chosen people of God, in words that
held the assembly spell-bound. He showed a
thorough knowledge of the Jewish economy, and
the spiritual interpretation of it now made manifest [p. 18] through Christ. He made plain his own
loyalty to God and to the Jewish faith, while he
showed that the law in which they trusted for
salvation had not been able to preserve Israel
from idolatry. He connected Jesus Christ with
all the Jewish history. He referred to the building
of the temple by Solomon, and to the words
of both Solomon and Isaiah: "Howbeit the
Most High dwelleth not in temples made with
hands." "Heaven is my throne, and earth is my
footstool. What house will ye build me? saith
the Lord; or what is the place of my rest? Hath
not my hand made all these things?" The place
of God's highest worship was in Heaven.
When Stephen had reached this point, there
was a tumult among the people. The prisoner
read his fate in the countenances before him.
He perceived the resistance that met his words,
which were spoken at the dictation of the Holy
Ghost. He knew that he was giving his last
testimony. When he connected Jesus Christ with
the prophecies, and spoke of the temple as he did,
the priest, affecting to be horror-stricken, rent his
robe. This act was to Stephen a signal that his
voice would soon be silenced forever. Although
he was just in the midst of his sermon, he
abruptly concluded it by suddenly breaking away
from the chain of history, and, turning upon his
infuriated judges, said, "Ye stiff-necked and
uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist
the Holy Ghost; as your fathers did, so do ye.
Which of the prophets have not your fathers
persecuted? and they have slain them which showed
before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye
have been now the betrayers and murderers; who
have received the law by the disposition of angels,
and have not kept it." [p. 19]
At this the priests and rulers were beside
themselves with anger. They were more like wild
beasts of prey than like human beings. They
rushed upon Stephen, gnashing their teeth. But
he was not intimidated; he had expected this.
His face was calm, and shone with an angelic light.
The infuriated priests and the excited mob had no
terrors for him. The scene about him faded from
his vision; the gates of Heaven were ajar, and
Stephen, looking in, saw the glory of the courts
of God, and Christ, as if just risen from his
throne, standing ready to sustain his servant,
who was about to suffer martyrdom for his name.
When Stephen proclaimed the glorious scene
opened before him, it was more than his persecutors
could endure. They stopped their ears,
that they might not hear his words, and uttering
loud cries ran furiously upon him with one accord.
"And they stoned Stephen, calling upon
God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud
voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And
when he had said this, he fell asleep." The witnesses
who had accused him were required to cast
the first stones. These persons laid down their
clothes at the feet of Saul, who had taken an
active part in the disputation, and had consented
to the prisoner's death.
The martyrdom of Stephen made a deep
impression upon all who witnessed it. It was a sore
trial to the church, but resulted in the conversion
of Saul. The faith, constancy, and glorification
of the martyr could not be effaced from his memory.
The signet of God upon his face, his words,
that reached to the very soul of those who heard
them, remained in the memory of the beholders, [p. 20] and testified to the truth of that which he had
There had been no legal sentence passed upon
Stephen; but the Roman authorities were bribed
by large sums of money to make no investigation
of the case. Saul seemed to be imbued with
a frenzied zeal at the scene of Stephen's trial and
death. He seemed to be angered at his own
secret convictions that Stephen was honored of
God at the very period when he was dishonored
of men. He continued to persecute the church
of God, hunting them down, seizing them in their
houses, and delivering them up to the priests and
rulers for imprisonment and death. His zeal in
carrying forward the persecution was a terror to
the Christians in Jerusalem. The Roman
authorities made no special effort to stay the cruel
work, and secretly aided the Jews in order to
conciliate them, and to secure their favor.
Saul was greatly esteemed by the Jews for his
zeal in persecuting the believers. After the death
of Stephen, he was elected a member of the
Sanhedrim council, in consideration of the part
he had acted on that occasion. This learned
and zealous rabbi was a mighty instrument in
the hand of Satan to carry out his rebellion
against the Son of God; but he was soon to be
employed to build up the church he was now
tearing down. A Mightier than Satan had
selected. Saul to take the place of the martyred
Stephen, to preach and suffer for his name, and
to spread far and wide the glad tidings of
salvation through his blood.
Click here to read the next chapter:
"Conversion of Saul"