Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 14: Trials and Victories of Paul
Those who were interested in the manufacture of
small shrines and images found their gains
diminishing, and all united in attributing
the unwelcome change to Paul's labors.
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For upwards of three years, Ephesus was the
center of Paul's work. A flourishing church
was raised up here, and from this city the gospel
spread throughout the province of Asia, among
both Jews and Gentiles.
The apostle had for some time contemplated
another missionary journey. He desired again
to visit the churches in Macedonia and
Achaia, and after spending some time at Corinth, to go to
Jerusalem, after which he hoped to preach the
gospel at Rome. In pursuance of his plan, he
sent Timothy and Erastus before him into
Macedonia; but feeling that the cause in Ephesus still [p. 141] demanded his presence, he decided to remain till
after Pentecost. An event soon occurred,
however, which hastened his departure.
The month of May was specially devoted to
the worship of the goddess of Ephesus. The
universal honor in which this deity was held, the
magnificence of her temple and her worship,
attracted an immense concourse of people from
all parts of the province of Asia. Throughout
the entire month the festivities were
conducted with the utmost pomp and splendor. The
gods were represented by persons chosen for the
purpose, who were regarded as objects of worship,
and were honored by processions, sacrifices, and
libations. Musical contests, the feats of athletes,
and the fierce combats of men and beasts, drew
admiring crowds to the vast theaters. The
officers chosen to conduct this grand celebration
were the men of highest distinction in the chief
cities of Asia. They were also persons of vast
wealth, for in return for the honor of their
position, they were expected to defray the entire
expense of the occasion. The whole city was a
scene of brilliant display and wild revelry.
Imposing processions swept to the grand temple.
The air rung with sounds of joy. The people
gave themselves up to feasting, drunkenness, and
the vilest debauchery.
This gala season was a trying occasion to the
disciples who had newly come to the faith. The
company of believers who met in the school of
Tyrannus were an inharmonious note in the
festive chorus. Ridicule, reproach, and insult
were freely heaped upon them. By the labors of
Paul at Ephesus, the heathen worship had
received a telling blow. There was a perceptible [p. 142] falling-off in attendance at the national festival,
and in the enthusiasm of the worshipers. The
influence of his teachings extended far beyond the
actual converts to the faith. Many who had not
openly accepted the new doctrines, became so far
enlightened as to lose all confidence in heathen
gods. The presence of Paul in the city called
special attention to this fact, and curses loud and
deep were uttered against him.
Another cause of dissatisfaction existed. It
had long been customary among heathen nations
to make use of small images or shrines to represent
their favorite objects of worship. Portable
statues were modeled after the great image of
Diana, and were widely circulated in the
countries along the shores of the Mediterranean.
Models of the temple which enshrined the idol
were also eagerly sought. Both were regarded
as objects of worship, and were carried at the
head of processions, and on journeys and
military expeditions. An extensive and profitable
business had grown up at Ephesus from the
manufacture and sale of these shrines and images.
Those who were interested in this branch of
industry found their gains diminishing. All
united in attributing the unwelcome change to
Paul's labors. Demetrius, a manufacturer of
silver shrines, called together the workmen of his
craft, and by a violent appeal endeavored to stir
up their indignation against Paul. He
represented that their traffic was endangered, and
pointed out the great loss which they would
sustain if the apostle were allowed to turn the
people away from their ancient worship. He
then appealed to their ruling superstition, saying:
"Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at [p. 143] Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this
Paul hath persuaded and turned away much
people, saying that they be no gods which are
made with hands; so that not only this our craft
is in danger to be set at naught, but also that the
temple of the great goddess Diana should be
despised, and her magnificence should be
destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth."
This speech acted as fire to the stubble.
The excited passions of the people were roused,
and burst forth in the cry, "Great is Diana of
the Ephesians!"
A report of the speech of Demetrius was
rapidly circulated. The uproar was terrific.
The whole city seemed in commotion. An
immense crowd soon collected, and a rush was made
to the workshop of Aquila, in the Jewish quarters,
with the object of securing Paul. In their
insane rage they were ready to tear him in pieces.
But the apostle was not to be found. His
brethren, receiving an intimation of the danger,
had hurried him from the place. Angels of God
were sent to guard the faithful apostle. His
time to die a martyr's death had not yet come.
Failing to find the object of their wrath, the
mob seized two of his companions, Gaius and
Aristarchus, and with them hurried on to the
theater. Paul's place of concealment was not
far distant, and he soon learned of the peril of
his beloved brethren. His courage was in
keeping with the occasion. He was ever ready to
press to the front in the battle for his Master.
Forgetful of his own safety, he desired to go at
once to the theater, to address the rioters. But
his friends refused to permit him thus to sacrifice
himself. Gaius and Aristarchus were not the [p. 144] prey that the people sought; no serious harm to
them was apprehended. But should the apostle's
pale, care-worn face be seen, it would arouse at
once the worst passions of the mob, and there
would not be the least human possibility of saving
his life.
Paul was still eager to defend the truth before
the multitude; but he was at last deterred by a
message of warning from the theater. Several
of the most honorable and influential among the
magistrates sent him an earnest request not to
venture into a situation of so great peril. This
proof of the regard in which Paul was held by
the leading men of Asia was no mean tribute to
the sterling integrity of his character.
The tumult at the theater was continually
increasing. "Some cried one thing, and some
another; and the more part knew not wherefore
they had come together." From the fact that
Paul and some of his companions were of Hebrew
extraction, the Jews felt that odium was cast
upon them, and that their own safety might be
endangered. Wishing it to be understood that
they had no sympathy with the Christians, they
thrust forward one of their own number to set
the matter before the people. The speaker chosen
was Alexander, one of the craftsmen, a
coppersmith, to whom Paul afterward referred as
having done him much evil. Alexander was a
man of considerable ability, and he bent all his
energies to direct the wrath of the people
exclusively against Paul and his companions. But
the crowd were in no mood to make nice distinctions.
Seeing that Alexander was a Jew, they
thrust him aside, the uproar continually increasing
as all with one voice cried out, "Great is [p. 145] Diana of the Ephesians!" This cry continued
for two hours.
At last there came a momentary silence, from
sheer exhaustion. Then the recorder of the city
arrested the attention of the crowd, and by
virtue of his office obtained a hearing. By his
prudence and good judgment he soon succeeded
in quieting the excitement.
He met the people on their own ground, and
showed that there was no cause for the present
tumult. He appealed to their reason to decide
whether the strangers who had come among them
could change the opinions of the whole world
regarding their ruling goddess. Said he: "Ye
men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth
not how that the city of Ephesus is a worshiper
of the great goddess Diana, and of the image
which fell down from Jupiter? Seeing then
that these things cannot be spoken against, ye
ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly." He
bade them consider that Paul and his companions
had not profaned the temple of Diana, nor
outraged the feelings of any by reviling the goddess.
He then skillfully turned the subject, and
reproved the course of Demetrius: "Wherefore if
Demetrius and the craftsmen which are with him
have a matter against any man, the law is open,
and there are deputies; let them implead one
another. But if ye inquire anything concerning
other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful
assembly." He closed by warning them that
such an uproar, raised without apparent cause,
might subject the city of Ephesus to the censure
of the Romans, thus causing a restriction of her
present liberty, and intimating that there must
not be a repetition of the scene. Having by this [p. 146] speech completely tranquilized the disturbed
elements, the recorder dismissed the assembly.
The words of Demetrius reveal the real cause
of the tumult at Ephesus, and also the cause of
much of the persecution which followed the
apostles in their work of promulgating the truth.
"This, our craft, is in danger." With Demetrius
and his fellows, the profitable business of
image-making was endangered by the teaching and
spread of the gospel. The income of pagan
priests and artisans was at stake; and for this
reason they instituted the most bitter opposition
to the apostle, and refused to receive or investigate
the new religion, which would have made
them wise unto salvation.
Paul's labors in Ephesus were at length
concluded. He felt that the excitement which
prevailed was unfavorable to the preaching of the
gospel. His heart was filled with gratitude to
God that his life had been preserved, and that
Christianity had not been brought into disrepute
by the tumult at Ephesus. The decision of the
recorder and of others holding honorable
offices in the city, had set Paul before the people
as one innocent of any unlawful act. This was
another triumph of Christianity over error and
superstition. God had raised up a great magistrate
to vindicate his apostle, and hold the
tumultuous mob in check.
Paul parted from his children in the faith with
an affectionate farewell. He set out on his
journey to Macedonia, designing on the way thither to
visit Troas. He was accompanied by Tychicus
and Trophimus, both Ephesians, who remained
his faithful companions and fellow-laborers to
the close of his life. [p. 147]
Paul's ministry in Ephesus had been a season
of incessant labor. of many trials, and deep
anguish. He taught the people in public and
from house to house, instructing and warning
them with many tears. He was continually
opposed by the unbelieving Jews, who lost no
opportunity to stir up the popular feeling against
him. Again and again he was attacked by the
mob, and subjected to insult and abuse. By
every means which they could employ, the
enemies of truth sought to destroy the effects of his
labor for the salvation of men.
And while thus battling against opposition,
and with untiring zeal pushing forward the
gospel work and guarding the interests of a
church yet young in the faith, Paul was bearing
upon his soul the burden of all the churches. Nor
was he released even from the tax of physical
labor. Here, as at Corinth, he worked with his
own hands to supply his necessities. In weariness
and painfulness from unceasing toil and
constant danger, enfeebled by disease, and at
times depressed in spirits, he steadfastly pursued
his work.
The news which he received, of apostasy in
churches of his own planting, caused him deep
anguish. He greatly feared that his efforts in
their behalf would prove to have been in vain.
Many a sleepless night was spent in prayer and
earnest thought, as he learned of the new and
varied methods employed to counteract his work.
As he had opportunity, he wrote to the churches,
giving reproof, counsel, admonition, and
encouragement, as their state demanded. In his epistles
the apostle does not dwell on his own trials, yet there
are occasional glimpses of his labors and sufferings [p. 148] in the cause of Christ. Stripes and imprisonment,
cold and hunger and thirst, perils by land
and sea, in the city and in the wilderness, from
his own countrymen, from the heathen, and from
false brethren,—all these he endured for the
truth's sake. He was defamed, reviled, "made the
offscouring of all things," "perplexed, persecuted,
troubled on every side," "in jeopardy every hour,"
"alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake."
Amid the constant storm of opposition, the
clamor of enemies, and the desertion of friends,
the intrepid apostle at times almost lost heart.
But he looked back to Calvary, and with new
ardor pressed on to spread the knowledge of the
Crucified. He was but treading the blood-stained
path which Christ had trodden before him. He
sought no discharge from the warfare till he
should lay off his armor at the feet of his
Eighteen centuries have passed since the apostle
rested from his labors; yet the history of his toils
and sacrifices for Christ's sake are among the
most precious treasures of the church. That
history was recorded by the Holy Spirit, that the
followers of Christ in every age might thereby
be incited to greater zeal and faithfulness in the
cause of their Master.
How does this hero of faith tower above the
self-indulgent, ease-loving men who are to-day
crowding the ranks of the ministry. When
subjected to the ordinary difficulties and trials of
life, many feel that their lot is hard. But what
have they done or suffered for the cause of Christ?
How does their record appear when compared
with that of this great apostle? What burden
of soul have they felt for the salvation of sinners? [p. 149] They know little of self-denial or sacrifice. They
are indebted to the grace of Christ for all the
excellences of character which they possess, for
every blessing which they enjoy. All that they
are, and all that they have, is the purchase of the
blood of Christ. As the servants of Christ
encounter opposition and persecution, they should
not permit their faith to grow dim or their
courage to fail. With Christ as a helper, they
can resist every foe, and overcome every
difficulty. The same obligation rests upon them
which impelled the apostle to his unwearied
labors. Only those who emulate his fidelity, will
share with him the crown of life.
Click here to read the next chapter:
"Paul to the Corinthians"