Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 17: Paul Revisits Corinth
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Paul showed that the hopes and promises which once belonged
especially to the Jews were now offered to the Gentiles.
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It was autumn when Paul again visited
Corinth. As he beheld the Corinthian towers and
lofty citadel in the distance, the clouds that [p. 184] enshrouded the mountains and cast a shadow
upon the city beneath, seemed a fitting emblem
of the error and immorality which threatened the
prosperity of the Christian church in that place.
The mind of Paul
was agitated by conflicting
thoughts. He was to meet his children in the
faith of the gospel. Some of them had been
guilty of grievous sins. Some of his former
friends had forgotten his love and the sweet
friendship and confidence of earlier days. They
had become his enemies, and questioned and
disputed whether he was a true apostle of Christ,
intrusted with the gospel. Though the majority
of the church had turned from their sins and
submitted to the commands of Paul, yet it could
not be with them entirely as it was before their
immorality. There could not exist that union,
love, and confidence between teacher and people,
as upon the occasion of his former visit.
There were still some in the church, who, when
reproved by the apostle, had persisted in their
sinful course, despising his warnings and defying
his authority. The time had come when he must
take decisive measures to put down this opposition.
He had warned the Corinthians of his
purpose to come and deal in person with the
obstinate offenders: "I write to them which
heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that if I
come again, I will not spare; since ye seek a
proof of Christ speaking in me." He had delayed
his coming, to give them time for reflection and
repentance. But now all who continued in
their course of error and sin, must be separated
from the church of Christ. They had charged
Paul with timidity and weakness because of his
long forbearance through love for their souls. [p. 185] He would now be compelled to pursue a course
which would disprove this charge.
As Paul thus approaches Corinth, how striking
the contrast to the close of a former journey,
when Saul, "breathing out threatenings and
slaughter against the disciples of the Lord," drew
near to Damascus! How widely different the
appearance, purposes, and spirit of Saul and
Paul! Then he was intrusted with the sword of
secular power, he was the agent of the Sanhedrim,
the Jewish inquisitor, the exterminator of
heretics, seeking victims to imprison, to scourge, or
to stone. Filled with pride, he rode toward
Damascus, with servants at his command to
convey his prisoners to Jerusalem. Now he journeys
on foot, with no outward tokens of rank or
power, and no officers of justice to do his bidding.
The utmost that he can do to punish those who
disregard his authority, is to separate them from
a society whose members are everywhere regarded
as ignorant and degraded. His enemies declare
that his bodily presence is weak, and his speech
contemptible. Yet the apostle is not so powerless
as he is represented. He bears a commission from
the King of kings. All Heaven is enlisted to
sustain him. His weapons are not carnal, but
mighty through God to overthrow the strongholds
of sin and Satan.
There has been as great a change in the spirit
of the apostle, as in his outward appearance.
Then he was "breathing out threatenings and
slaughter against the disciples;" he "made havoc
of the church;" he "haled men and women to
prison;" he "compelled them to blaspheme;" he
was "exceedingly mad" against all who revered
the name of Jesus. His heart was filled with [p. 186] bitterness, malice, and hatred; yet he was so
deluded as to imagine himself serving God, while
in reality doing the work of Satan. Now the
proud, passionate nature of Saul has been
transformed by the grace of Christ. His heart yearns
over his most bitter opponents. The thought of
causing them pain, fills him with sorrow. He
wrote to his brethren, "If I cause you grief, who
is there to cause me joy?" He entreated them
to spare him the necessity of dealing severely
with them. All that was good and noble in the
character of Saul remains, the same zeal burns
upon the altar of his heart; but it has been
purified, and sacredly consecrated to the service of
Paul was accompanied to Corinth by a little
band of fellow-laborers, some of whom had been
his companions during the months spent in
Macedonia, and his assistants in gathering funds
for the church at Jerusalem. He could rely upon
these brethren for sympathy and support in the
present crisis. And though the condition of the
Corinthian church was in some respects painful and
discouraging, there were also reasons for joy and
gratitude. Many who had once been corrupt
and degraded worshipers of idols, were now
sincere and humble followers of Christ. Not a few
still regarded the apostle with warm affection, as
the one who had first borne to them the precious
light of the gospel. As he once more greeted
these disciples, and saw the proof of their fidelity
and zeal, he felt that his labor had not been in
vain. In the society of his beloved companions
and these faithful converts, his worn and troubled
spirit found rest and encouragement.
For three months Paul stayed at Corinth. [p. 187] During this period he not only labored
unweariedly for the church in that city, but he found
time to look forward to wider missions, and to
prepare for new conquests. His thoughts were
still occupied with his contemplated journey from
Jerusalem to Rome. To see the Christian faith
firmly established at the great center of the
known world, was one of his dearest hopes and
most cherished plans. A church had already been
raised up at Rome, and the apostle desired to
secure their co-operation in the work which he
hoped to accomplish. To prepare the way for
his labors among these brethren, as yet strangers,
he addressed them by letter, announcing his
purpose to visit Rome, and also by their aid to plant
the standard of the cross in Spain.
In his Epistle to the Romans, Paul set forth
the great principles of the gospel which he hoped
to present in person. He stated his position on
the questions which were agitating the Jewish
and Gentile churches, and showed that the hopes
and promises which once belonged especially to
the Jews were now offered to the Gentiles. With
great clearness and power he presented the
doctrine of justification by faith in Christ. While
addressing the Roman Christians, Paul designed
to instruct other churches also; but how little
could he foresee the far-reaching influence of his
words! The great truth of justification by faith,
as set forth in this epistle, has stood through all
the ages as a mighty beacon to guide the repentant
sinner into the way of life. This light
scattered the darkness which enveloped Luther's
mind, and revealed to him the power of the blood
of Christ to cleanse from sin. It has guided
thousands of sin-burdened souls to the same [p. 188] source of pardon and peace. Every Christian
has reason to thank God for that epistle to the
church at Rome.
While Paul looked with interest and hope to
new fields of labor in the west, he had cause for
serious apprehension concerning the fields of his
former labor in the east. Tidings had been
received at Corinth from the churches in Galatia,
revealing a state of great confusion, and even
of absolute apostasy. Judaizing teachers were
opposing the work of the apostle, and seeking
to destroy the fruit of his labors.
In almost every church there were some
members who were Jews by birth. To these
converts the Jewish teachers found ready access, and
through them gained a foot-hold in the churches.
It was impossible, by scriptural arguments,
to overthrow the doctrines taught by Paul;
hence they resorted to the most unscrupulous
measures to counteract his influence and weaken
his authority. They declared that he had not
been a disciple of Jesus, and had received no
commission from him; yet he had presumed to teach
doctrines directly opposed to those held by Peter,
James, and the other apostles. Thus the
emissaries of Judaism succeeded in alienating many
of the Christian converts from their teacher in
the gospel. Having gained this point, they
induced them to return to the observance of the
ceremonial law as essential to salvation. Faith
in Christ, and obedience to the law of ten
commandments, were regarded as of minor importance.
Division, heresy, and sensualism were
rapidly gaining ground among the believers in
Paul's soul was stirred as he saw the evils [p. 189] that threatened speedily to destroy these churches.
He immediately wrote to the Galatians, exposing
their false theories, and with great severity
rebuking those who had departed from the faith.
In the introduction to his epistle, he asserted
his own position as an apostle, "not of men,
neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God
the Father, who raised him from the dead." He
had been commissioned by the highest authority,
not of earth, but in Heaven. After giving his
salutation to the church, he pointedly addresses
them: "I marvel that ye are so soon removed
from Him that called you into the grace of
Christ unto another gospel, which is not another."
The doctrines which the Galatians had received,
could not in any sense be called the gospel; they
were the teachings of men, and were directly
opposed to the doctrines taught by Christ.
The apostle continues: "But there be some
that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel
of Christ. But though we, or an angel from
Heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than
that which we have preached unto you, let him
be accursed."
How different from his manner of writing to
the Corinthian church is the course which he
pursues toward the Galatians! In dealing with
the former, he manifests great caution and
tenderness, while he reproves the latter with abrupt
severity. The Corinthians had been overcome
by temptation, and deceived by the ingenious
sophistry of teachers who presented errors under
the guise of truth. They had become confused
and bewildered. To teach them to distinguish
the false from the true, required great caution
and patience in their instructor. Harshness or [p. 190] injudicious haste would have destroyed his
influence over those whom he sought to benefit.
In the Galatian churches, open, unmasked
error was supplanting the faith of the gospel.
Christ, the true foundation, was virtually
renounced for the obsolete ceremonies of Judaism.
The apostle saw that if these churches were
saved from the dangerous influences which threatened
them, the most decisive measures must be
taken, the sharpest warnings given, to bring
them to a sense of their true condition.
To deal wisely with different classes of minds,
under varied circumstances and conditions, is a
work requiring wisdom and judgment, enlightened
and sanctified by the Spirit of God. The
minister of Christ should learn the importance
of adapting his labors to the condition of those
whom he seeks to benefit. Tenderness, patience,
decision, and firmness are alike needful; but
they are to be exercised with proper discrimination.
It is only by maintaining a close connection
with God that his servants can hope to meet
judiciously the trials and difficulties that still
arise in the churches.
Paul had presented to the Galatians the gospel
of Christ in its purity. His teachings were in
harmony with the Scriptures; and the Holy
Spirit had witnessed to his labors. Hence he
warned his brethren to listen to nothing that
should contradict the truth which they had been
The apostle reverts to his own experience, of
which the Galatians have been previously
informed. He reminds them of his proficiency in
the learning of the Jews, and his zeal for their
religion. Even in early manhood he had achieved [p. 191] distinction as an able and zealous defender of
the Jewish faith. But when Christ was revealed
to him, he at once renounced all his prospective
honors and advantages, and devoted his life to
the preaching of the cross. He appeals to his
brethren to decide whether in all this he could
have been actuated by any worldly or selfish
motive. He then shows them that after his
conversion he had no opportunity to receive instruction
from man. The doctrines which he preached
had been revealed to him by the Lord Jesus
Christ. After the vision at Damascus, Paul
retired into Arabia, for communion with God.
It was not until three years had elapsed that he
went up to Jerusalem; and he then made a stay
of but fifteen days, thence going out to preach
the gospel to the Gentiles. He declares that he
was "unknown by face unto the churches of
Judea which were in Christ. But they had
heard only, that he which persecuted us in times
past, now preacheth the faith which once he
destroyed. And they glorified God in me."
In thus reviewing his history, the apostle seeks
to make apparent to all that by special
manifestation of divine power he had been led to
perceive and to grasp the great truths of the gospel,
as presented in the Old Testament scriptures and
embodied in the life of Christ on earth. It was
the knowledge received from God himself which
led Paul to warn and admonish the Galatians in
that solemn and positive manner. He did not
present the gospel in hesitancy and doubt, but
with the assurance of settled conviction and
absolute knowledge. In his epistle he clearly
marks the contrast between being taught by
man and receiving instruction direct from Christ. [p. 192]
The apostle urged upon the Galatians, as their
only safe course, to leave the false guides by
whom they had been misled, and to return to
the faith which they had received from the
Source of truth and wisdom. Those false teachers
were hypocritical, unregenerate men; unholy
in heart, and corrupt in life. Their religion
consisted in a round of ceremonies, by the
performance of which they expected to receive the
favor of God. They had no relish for a doctrine
which taught, "Except a man be born again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God." Such a religion
required too great a sacrifice. Hence they
clung to their errors, deceiving themselves, and
deceiving others.
To substitute the external forms of religion
for holiness of heart and life, is still as pleasing
to the unrenewed nature as in the days of the
apostles. For this reason, false teachers abound,
and the people listen eagerly to their delusive
doctrines. It is Satan's studied effort to divert
the minds of men from the one way of salvation,
—faith in Christ, and obedience to the law of
God. In every age the arch-enemy adapts his
temptations to the prejudices or inclinations of
the people. In apostolic times he led the Jews
to exalt the ceremonial law, and reject Christ;
at the present day he induces many professed
Christians, under the pretense of honoring Christ,
to cast contempt upon the moral law, and teach
that its precepts may be transgressed with
impunity. It is the duty of every faithful servant
of God, to firmly and decidedly withstand these
perverters of the faith, and to fearlessly expose
their errors by the word of truth.
Paul continues to vindicate his position as the [p. 193] apostle of Christ, not by the will of men, but
by the power of God. He describes the visit
which he made to Jerusalem to secure a
settlement of the very questions which are now
agitating the churches of Galatia, as to whether
the Gentiles should submit to circumcision and
keep the ceremonial law. This was the only
instance in which he had deferred to the judgment
of the other apostles as superior to his
own. He had first sought a private interview,
in which he set the matter in all its bearings
before the leading apostles, Peter, James, and
John. With far-seeing wisdom, he concluded
that if these men could be led to take a right
position, everything would be gained. Had he
first presented the question before the whole
council, there would have been a division of
sentiment. The strong prejudice already excited
because he had not enforced circumcision on the
Gentiles, would have led many to take a stand
against him. Thus the object of his visit would
have been defeated, and his usefulness greatly
hindered. But the three leading apostles, against
whom no such prejudice existed, having themselves
been won to the true position, brought the
matter before the council, and won from all a
concurrence in the decision to leave the Gentiles
free from the obligations of the ceremonial law.
Paul further disproved the accusations of his
enemies, by showing that his position as an
apostle of Christ had been acknowledged by the council
at Jerusalem, and that in his labors among
the Gentiles he had complied with the decisions
of that council. Those who were seeking to
destroy his influence, professed to acknowledge
Peter, James, and John as pillars of the church. [p. 194] They were constantly extolling these apostles,
and endeavoring to prove them superior to Paul
in position and authority. But Paul showed that
his enemies could not justify their course by a
pretended regard for these apostles. While he
honored them as faithful ministers of Christ, he
showed that they had not attempted to instruct
him, neither had they commissioned him to preach
the gospel. They were convinced that God had
called him to present the truth to the Gentiles, as
he had designated Peter to go especially to the
Jews. Hence they acknowledged before the
council Paul's divine commission, and received
him as a fellow-laborer of equal position with
It was not to exalt self, but to magnify the
grace of God, that Paul thus presented to those
who were denying his apostleship, proof that he
was "not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles."
Those who sought to belittle his calling
and his work were fighting against Christ, whose
grace and power were manifested through Paul.
Hence the apostle felt that he was forced, by the
opposition of his enemies, and even by the course
of his brethren, to take a decided stand to
maintain his position and authority.
Click here to read the next chapter:
"Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem"